Indirect Tax & Import/Export Related Service

VAT reform to replace business tax has been completed in China, which has exerted a great impact on contract terms, products/service fee quotes as well as VAT invoice internal control.  This service would be required mostly for the following situations.

When the VAT burden is relatively high

When there are enormous cross-border transactions

When VAT invoices are in dispute

Our services mainly cover the following aspects:

VAT burden analysis for transaction cycles 

VAT favourable treatment assessment and application

VAT dispute/tax audit assistance

Cross-border transaction structure and process optimization

Guidance and filing for export VAT refund

Service Achievement

Based on the enterprise’s business profile and operations, we will conduct feasibility study to determine the applicability of favourable or preferential tax policies which the enterprise could be eligible for. We will propose to optimize the transaction structure and flow to reduce the tax burden and mitigate any potential tax risks. When dealing with the tax dispute/tax audit, we will analyze the relevant tax risks and put forward solutions to address the tax risks.  In addition, we could be authorized to represent our clients to communicate and negotiate with the tax authorities at the various levels to help reduce the tax risks efficiently and effectively.

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